Crash Course with Casey Burgat
Mastering the Room
Dan Shea and Nicholas Jacobs on the Rural Voter

Dan Shea and Nicholas Jacobs on the Rural Voter

  • Rural America's conservative leanings are not a recent phenomenon but have been developing for decades.

  • The rural-urban divide is more complex than a simple distinction between Democrats in cities and Republicans in rural areas.

  • Rural voters interpret politics through a place-based lens and have a shared fate perspective.

  • Rural voters value their sense of place and have a deep connection to their communities.

  • Rural voters are not solely defined by demographics and exhibit a range of political beliefs.

  • Donald Trump's appeal to rural voters can be attributed to his perceived authenticity and his challenge to the political establishment.

  • Rural voters have genuine anxieties and concerns that have shaped their political views.

  • Stereotypes and generalizations about rural Americans hinder understanding and dialogue.

  • It is important to take the time to understand the perspectives and experiences of rural Americans.

  • Reducing people to stereotypes and dismissing their concerns does not contribute to productive political discourse.


00:00Introduction: The Question of Rural Conservatism

03:40The Rural-Urban Divide

10:37Characteristics of Rural Voters

16:23The Appeal of Donald Trump to Rural Voters

29:25Challenging Stereotypes and Preconceived Notions


Mastering the Room is a bite-sized podcast from GW’s Graduate School of Political Management, hosted by political analyst and professor Casey Burgat. In less time than the average morning commute, you’ll get smarter on today’s issues with information and perspectives you won’t get anywhere else.

The podcast challenges guests to go beyond the Sunday show talking points and offer a deeper understanding of polarizing topics, discussing points of view that few have heard before.

Whether you agree with them or not, you’ll see unique arguments from surprising new angles. Packed with influencers, experts, and familiar names in DC and beyond, Mastering the Room is a podcast with access, connections, and proximity to power. 

To listen to vintage episodes from the original Mastering the Room podcast, click here.


Mastering the Room host, Casey Burgat, is the Director of the Legislative Affairs program at the George Washington University Graduate School of Political Management. Prior to joining GSPM, Dr. Burgat was a Senior Governance Fellow at the R Street Institute where his research focused on issues of Congressional capacity and reform. Mr. Burgat is known for his regular contributions to scholarly and journalistic publications, including CNN, the Washington Post, and Politico, and has appeared on a variety of television and radio outlets. Dr. Burgat co-authored Congress Explained: Representation and Lawmaking in the First Branch, a textbook on all things Congress, published by the Sage/CQ Press in the fall of 2022.

Crash Course with Casey Burgat
Mastering the Room
Mastering the Room is a bite-sized podcast from GW’s Graduate School of Political Management, hosted by political analyst and professor Casey Burgat. In less time than the average morning commute, you’ll get smarter on today’s issues with information and perspectives you won’t get anywhere else.
The podcast challenges guests to go beyond the Sunday show talking points and offer a deeper understanding of polarizing topics, discussing points of view that few have heard before.
Whether you agree with them or not, you’ll see unique arguments from surprising new angles. Packed with influencers, experts, and familiar names in DC and beyond, Mastering the Room is a podcast with access, connections, and proximity to power.