Crash Course with Casey Burgat
Mastering the Room
Maria Curi Jeff Brubaker on TikTok Ban

Maria Curi Jeff Brubaker on TikTok Ban

  • TikTok is a social media platform with 170 million users in the United States, known for its addictive nature and short videos.

  • The concern with TikTok lies in its ownership by ByteDance, a Chinese company that may be compelled to share user data with the Chinese government.

  • Teenagers and young people are the primary users of TikTok, but they generally do not prioritize the national security concerns or the potential ban of the app.

  • There is a need for regulatory frameworks to protect children online and address privacy concerns, but finding the balance between freedom of expression and user protection is challenging.


00:00Introduction and Overview

00:59 What is TikTok?

03:35 Concerns about Data Privacy

06:03 Public Perception and Teenagers' Views

08:48 Legislation and Separating TikTok from ByteDance

13:26 Political Motivations and Privacy Concerns

15:22 Privacy Trade-Offs and Mental Health Impact

23:19 Overview of the Bill and ByteDance's Response

24:14 Details of the Bill and Constitutional Concerns

25:28 Definition of Foreign Adversary and Potential Geopolitical Implications

26:36 Avoiding First Amendment Concerns and Forced Divestiture

27:49 Potential Buyers and Antitrust Concerns

28:04 Uncertainty from Apple and Google

28:32 Data Privacy Concerns and ByteDance's Efforts

30:08 Likelihood of Adoption in the Senate

31:19 Former President Trump's Stance

34:26 Impact on Youth and Media Literacy

36:23 Media Literacy and Responsibility

39:44 Likely Court Challenges

41:05 Potential Constitutional Challenges


Mastering the Room is a bite-sized podcast from GW’s Graduate School of Political Management, hosted by political analyst and professor Casey Burgat. In less time than the average morning commute, you’ll get smarter on today’s issues with information and perspectives you won’t get anywhere else.

The podcast challenges guests to go beyond the Sunday show talking points and offer a deeper understanding of polarizing topics, discussing points of view that few have heard before.

Whether you agree with them or not, you’ll see unique arguments from surprising new angles. Packed with influencers, experts, and familiar names in DC and beyond, Mastering the Room is a podcast with access, connections, and proximity to power. 

To listen to vintage episodes from the original Mastering the Room podcast, click here.


Mastering the Room host, Casey Burgat, is the Director of the Legislative Affairs program at the George Washington University Graduate School of Political Management. Prior to joining GSPM, Dr. Burgat was a Senior Governance Fellow at the R Street Institute where his research focused on issues of Congressional capacity and reform. Mr. Burgat is known for his regular contributions to scholarly and journalistic publications, including CNN, the Washington Post, and Politico, and has appeared on a variety of television and radio outlets. Dr. Burgat co-authored Congress Explained: Representation and Lawmaking in the First Branch, a textbook on all things Congress, published by the Sage/CQ Press in the fall of 2022.

Crash Course with Casey Burgat
Mastering the Room
Mastering the Room is a bite-sized podcast from GW’s Graduate School of Political Management, hosted by political analyst and professor Casey Burgat. In less time than the average morning commute, you’ll get smarter on today’s issues with information and perspectives you won’t get anywhere else.
The podcast challenges guests to go beyond the Sunday show talking points and offer a deeper understanding of polarizing topics, discussing points of view that few have heard before.
Whether you agree with them or not, you’ll see unique arguments from surprising new angles. Packed with influencers, experts, and familiar names in DC and beyond, Mastering the Room is a podcast with access, connections, and proximity to power.